Picture Tutorial: How to Edit Graduation Cupcake Toppers

Picture Tutorial for Graduation Cupcake Toppers Editable Template

Learn how to edit the text on your cupcake toppers (and water bottle labels), including changing the text size.

Editable Graduation Cupcake Topper Tutorial

This tutorial works for all editable files; however some graduation files have more formatting like this tutorial example.

Download the file to your computer.  (My files will not work on phones or tablets; only on computers.)

Step 1: Highlight and Change the Year

Open the editable PDF file in Adobe Reader. (You may need to open Adobe Reader first, and then go to File > Open.)

Save the file with a new name. (File > Save As)

Open the Text Properties Box by pressing CTRL+E (or CMD+E on a MAC). This will allow you to make edits to the text, including color, size, and font. You may need to wait a few seconds as Adobe Reader prepares for you to edit the text.  (Click in any of the text boxes if the Text Properties Box says "No current selection.")

Highlight the "xx" of the year.

Editable Graduation Cucpake Topper Tutorial - Highlight the Year

Then simply type the last two digits of the year to change it to your graduation year.

editable graduation cupcake topper tutorial - type new year

Change the year on the other two cupcake toppers, and do the same thing for the year on the second row.

Graduation Cupcake Topper Tutorial - Change the Year

Step 2: Highlight and Change the School Name and Graduate Name

After you change the year, finish the cupcake toppers by changing the school name and graduate name.  As above, simply highlight the word(s) you want to change and type new words.

Change the School Name - Editable Cupcake Topper Tutorial

You can highlight the name you changed, copy the word, and then paste it onto the other toppers. 

Here is how it looks when it's done:

Change School Name and Graduate Name on Editable Graduation Cupcake Toppers

Step 3: Change the Text Size

What if your graduate name or school name is too big?  No problem!  It's easy change the text size.

Make sure the Text Properties Box is open (CTRL+E or CMD+E).  Highlight the name and type your new name, then choose a new size from the drop down list. Or type a new number in the box to choose a size that is not listed in the drop down list.

Type New Name and Change Text Size on Editable Graduation Cupcake Toppers

Here's how the cupcake toppers look with "Samantha" at size 18:

Editable Red and Black Graduation Cupcake Toppers


Step 4: Start From Scratch (Optional)

What if you want to type different text than the example text?  Go ahead and change it!  You can type any text you want.

Keep in mind, however, that these graduation cupcake toppers (and some graduation water bottle labels) have some formatting already in place to get the sample text just right.  So you may need to adjust the formatting to fit your new text.

Start by highlighting the words you want to change:

Type New Words on Graduation Cupcake Topper Template

 Then simply type your new text:

Editable High School Graduation Cupcake Toppers in Red and Black

I think this will look nice with white text instead of black.  So highlight the words and choose a new color for the text:

Choose New Text Color for Cupcake Toppers

Here's how the cupcake toppers look after the words are changed to white.  I also copied and pasted the words onto the other toppers:

High School or College Graduation Toppers

The words are a little big so I will change the text size to 20:

Change to Text Size 20 on Cupcake Toppers

How the words look after the text size is changed.  Only the left one has been changed so far:

How the Cupcake Toppers Look After Changing Text Size

Almost there.  The words are a little close to the hat and need to be moved down. The easiest way to move the text down is to simply press "Enter" or "Return" on your computer keyboard. (Click at the left side of the word on the top line of text first.)

Or, click the "More..." button at the far right of the Text Properties box. This will open a new box with advanced settings. Click on the "Paragraph" tab at the top to choose alignment and spacing options.

To move the words down, you want to add space above the words which will force them down in the text box.

Highlight the top line of text ONLY and type "25" in the "Above" box under "Spacing" in the new pop up box and type Enter or Return on your keyboard. This will add 25 points of space above the top line of text, forcing all the words to move down.

** If you highlight ALL the words, you will add 25 points of space above each line which will add a lot of space between the 2 lines of words.

Move the Words Down on Graduation Cupcake Toppers

How the cupcake topper looks after the words are moved down:

Printable Graduation Cupcake Toppers with Editable Text

You may want to change the font.  Then copy and paste onto the other cupcake toppers.

Some of these cupcake toppers have extra formatting. If you need to change the spacing between lines of words, please read this line spacing tutorial.  You may need to adjust the line spacing or change it to "single" instead of "exactly."  You'll find that option to the right of the "above" box that we just used.


Here is another example of changing the words and starting from scratch (and not using the example text).  Highlight the words on the top row of cupcake toppers.

Graduation Cupcake Toppers

Change the words to anything you want.  I chose "Martin's Graduation."

Graduation Cupcake Topper Tutorial - Type New Words

As you can see, the text size is way too big.  So highlight the words and choose a new text size.  I chose size 16.  I had to type it in the box where it shows the text size.

Change Size of Text on Graduation Cupcake Toppers

Because of the formatting I put on these cupcake toppers to set up the sample text, there is too much space now.

So with the words highlighted, click "More" at the far right of the Text Properties Box to open the advanced settings.  Get rid of all the extra space by putting "0" in the "Below" box under "Spacing."

New Words on Graduation Cupcake Toppers

You can play around with it to see what is the correct amount of spacing.  You could highlight just the top line of text (in this case "Martin") and put a small number in the "Below" box if you wanted to add a little space between the lines.  It's all up to you and what you think looks best.  You can also change the "15" in the line spacing "At" box to the right of the "Below" box which will change the spacing a little. Or, if you change the font, you may need to change "Exactly" to "Single."

There are also other ways to edit the text.  Instead of highlighting all the words, you can delete the bottom text first and then type new text where it says "Class of" which will keep the text size smaller to start with and change the spacing.  Do whatever works best for you.

Step 5: Save Your Cupcake Toppers and Print

When you're satisfied with your edits, save the file. If you haven't already saved it with a new name, do so now (File > Save As). It's best to save it with a new name so you can keep the original file also.

Then print your red and black graduation cupcake toppers.



Need More Help?

Read my other editable tutorials for more tips and tricks for editing your files.

Or find answers in my troubleshooting tips if you're having trouble.

Next Step: Get the Red and Black Graduation Cupcake Toppers and Start Editing

Buy these red and black graduation cupcake toppers, or shop for more editable cupcake toppers.

 Buy Graduation Cupcake Topper Printable

Need More Help?

Read my other editable tutorials for more tips & tricks for editing your files.